Symptoms & Signs
- Irritation and itching of the genital area
- Inflammation (irritation, redness, and swelling) of the labia majora, labia minora, or perineal area
- Vaginal discharge
- Foul vaginal odor
- Discomfort or burning when urinating
Diagnosis & Tests
Vaginal symptoms are best diagnosed by a health care provider. If you have been diagnosed with a yeast infection in the past you may try treatment with over the counter products. However, if your symptoms do not completely disappear in about a week, make sure to contact your health care provider. Many other infections have similar symptoms.
The health care provider will perform a pelvic examination. This may show red, tender vulvar or vaginal skin. Any lesions or sores should be inspected.
A wet prep (microscopic evaluation of vaginal discharge) is usually done to identify a vaginal infection or overgrowth of yeast or bacteria. In some cases, a culture of the vaginal discharge may identify the organism causing the infection.
Pictures & Images
Vulvovaginitis: Overview, Causes
Vulvovaginitis: Symptoms & Signs, Diagnosis & Tests
Vulvovaginitis: Treatment
Review Date : 8/1/2008
Reviewed By : Linda Vorvick, MD, Seattle Site Coordinator, Lecturer, Pathophysiology, MEDEX Northwest Division of Physician Assistant Studies, University of Washington School of Medicine; and Susan Storck, MD, FACOG, Chief, Eastside Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Group Health Cooperative of Puget Sound, Redmond, Washington; Clinical Teaching Faculty, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Washington School of Medicine. Also reviewed by David Zieve, MD, MHA, Medical Director, A.D.A.M., Inc.