Most of people suffering from Parkinson’s Disease are over 60, but more cases of younger people afflicted with Parkinson’s have been discovered over the past several years. The majority of Parkinson’s symptoms involve muscle functions. This disease may begin slowly and not be noticed until it has significantly progressed. These symptoms may begin on one side of the body and gradually advance to the other side.
Some Parkinson’s sufferers experience a tremor that starts in a hand and can progress to the foot, fingers, mouth or chin. Rolling the thumb and forefinger (also known as pill rolling) is common.
Rigid Muscles
Some people with Parkinson’s experience stiffness in the neck and limbs. It can be painful and difficult to move.
Balance and Posture Problems
Many folks afflicted with Parkinson’s have trouble with balance or become stooped. Usually mild in the beginning, this may become more pronounced in the later stages.
Bradykinesia (Slowed Motion)
Parkinson’s my affect voluntary movement, making routine tasks difficult. Some people shuffle when they walk, or they have a difficult time taking the first step.
Automatic Movement Loss
The normal act of blinking, swinging your arms, and smiling may become more difficult and eventually be lost. Some Parkinson’s sufferers may have a staring, fixed expression and become unable to gesture.
Changing Speech
Many people who have Parkinson’s begin to speak more rapidly, softly, or in a monotone, and repeat words. They often hesitate before speaking or slur their speech.
In its later stages, the disease may cause some people trouble with memory and confusion.
Other Symptoms
Additional symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease might include constipation, coughing, drooling, difficulty swallowing and creating excess saliva, loss of continence, depression and scaling skin on the face.
Written By Debby Mayne, edited by
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