Fetal development in pregnancy week 33:
Your baby now weighs about 4.4 pounds and measures about 17.8 inches. Baby will gain one third to one half of their weight during the final weeks of your pregnancy. The amniotic fluid is now at it’s highest level and will stay at this level until your delivery. Your little one may have now settled into the head down position; however, some babies do not do this until later in pregnancy.
The baby’s skull is not joined and is very pliable. The brain is rapidly growing now and increasing in size. Fat is rapidly accumulating and changing the color of your baby’s skin from red to pink, the skin appears less wrinkly as they continue to accumulate this white fat.
Because your baby is rapidly gaining white fat and weight at this point you may be gaining weight more rapidly than in the past as well. Continue to eat right and exercise as you can to help your baby grow and develop at a normal pace. Now may be the time to decide if you will circumcise your little boy after his birth. Continue to plan the details of your baby’s arrival including your birth plan the details of the nursery for when they come home.
Maternal Changes
By pregnancy week 33 you are probably finding yourself more and more excited at the prospect of meeting your little baby for the first time. You are more than � of the way there by this point in time. By around week 33 you should consider pre-registering at your hospital if this is allowed. This will help speed the admissions process once you are in labor. The last thing you will have on your mind as you approach delivery is filling out lots of paperwork!
By pregnancy week 33 many women start experiencing mild swelling or edema. This pattern often remains as you continue your pregnancy week by week. Some women find that swelling is worse during warm weather or in hot climates. If you are experiencing your third trimester in the middle of summer more kudos to you! You are probably very warm and quite bloated. Just be sure to drink plenty of water to keep your body as hydrated as possible. This will help with swelling and improve your comfort.
Some women begin experiencing numbness or tingling in their fingers and wrists around 33 weeks pregnant. This often results from a condition referred to as carpal tunnel syndrome. You may find the tissues supporting your wrists and hands also swell, pinching the nerves running through your wrist. This is often more noticeable for women who work in a job that requires frequent typing. If this is you ask your healthcare provider if wearing a brace will help relieve some of the discomfort you are experiencing in your wrists and hands. Taking frequent rest breaks should help relieve some of the discomfort and swelling you are experiencing.
By now you may be curious about some of the stages of labor. Labor occurs in several well defined stages. Here’s a glimpse of the stages of labor to prepare you for your upcoming delivery:
- Stage One – During this stage or the latent stage of labor your cervix slowly dilates and effaces. Most women don’t’ notice this process and only recognize contractions as similar to Braxton Hicks contractions. Some women may experience a bloody show during the first stage of labor, where the mucous plug discharges as the cervix softens and opens to prepare for delivery. This stage of labor is often the longest, and can last more than 14 hours for first time mothers.
- Stage two – this is the active stage of labor where your body prepares to deliver your baby. Your cervix will typically dilate between five and seven centimeters during this stage in labor. If you plan on an epidural it may be administered during this point in labor. Most moms will spend roughly six to eight hours in this stage of labor if this is their first baby.
- Transition – During this time your contractions come every two to three minutes apart and you dilate from eight to ten centimeters. You are almost ready to have your baby! This stage can last a few minutes to a few hours!
- Stage three – Your cervix is full dilated and your baby descends fully into your pelvis for birth. During stage three you begin pushing. If this is your first baby you will probably push longer than an experienced mother. Some women may push for 20 minutes while others may push for an hour or more.
- Stage four – Your baby is delivered. At this point the baby’s placenta will deliver. Most women don’t even notice this stage of labor as they are busy being enamored with their newborn baby!
Don’t forget to spend some time practicing relaxation with mom. Try putting on some nice, quiet music and giving her a massage and working on practicing relaxation for birth.
Maternity Clothes
What woman doesn’t want to look and feel attractive throughout her pregnancy? Finding intimate apparel to wear during your pregnancy doesn’t have to be a chore. Yes, your body is changing each and every day. Fortunately, there are many quality and elegant options available for mothers looking for maternity intimate apparel during their pregnancy. One of the more important things to look for is supportive and flowing garments that move with you as you grow and expand.
Whether you are looking for something special to wear for a special occasion or simply in the mood for something sexy or romantic, rest assured that intimate apparel from Destination Maternity comes in all shapes, sizes, fabrics, and styles.
Pregnancy Health Tips
By 33 weeks of pregnancy most women, if not having a planned cesarean delivery, probably have started wondering a little bit about labor and delivery. Labor occurs in very distinct stages. Some healthcare providers divide labor into three stages and include an ‘early phase’ whereas others divide labor into four stages, which considers the early stage as the first stage of labor. Below we have broken labor down into four distinct stages.
Remember that the rupture of membranes, also known as your water breaking, can occur at any point before or during labor. Some women will start having regular contractions before their water breaks, but sometimes, your water can break before you have contractions.
Twin Tips
Average birth weights for twins are 5 lbs 5 oz, triplets weigh in averaging 4 lbs, and quadruplets average a bit over 3 lbs. Are you ready for labor with multiples?