Treatment Some ear infections will safely clear up on their own without antibiotics. Often, treating…
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Symptoms & Signs In infants, the clearest sign is often irritability and inconsolable crying. Many…
Alternate Names : Otitis media – acute, Infection – inner ear, Middle ear infection –…
Treatment To relieve ear pain or discomfort, first try to open the eustachian tube and…
Symptoms & Signs Dizziness Ear discomfort or pain in one or both ears Hearing loss…
Alternate Names : Barotitis media, Barotrauma, Ear popping, Pressure-related ear pain, Eustachian tube dysfunction Definition…
Treatment Cases usually clear up on their own within 1 – 3 days, and no…
Symptoms & Signs Symptoms occur when E. coli bacteria enter the intestine. The time between…
Alternate Names : Traveler’s diarrhea – E. coli, Food poisoning – E. coli, E. coli…
Treatment In early infancy, a non-surgical positioning device is used to keep the legs apart…
Symptoms & Signs There may be no symptoms. Symptoms that may occur can include: Different…
Alternate Names : Developmental dislocation of the hip joint, Developmental hip dysplasia, DDH, Congenital dysplasia…
Treatment Counseling for the parents (and child, if necessary) to address concerns and provide guidance…
Developmental disorders of the vagina and vulva : Symptoms & Signs, Diagnosis & Tests
by adhealth32Symptoms & Signs Symptoms may include: Inability to empty the bladder (urinary retention) Lack of…
Definition Developmental disorders of the vagina and vulva include many different structural problems that occur…
Treatment Doctors often recommend surgery for girls with developmental problems of the internal reproductive organs.…
Developmental disorders of the female reproductive tract : Symptoms & Signs, Diagnosis & Tests
by adhealth32Symptoms & Signs Symptoms vary according to the specific problem. They may include: Lack of…
Developmental disorders of the female reproductive tract : Overview, Causes, & Risk Factors
by adhealth32Definition Developmental disorders of the female reproductive tract are problems in a baby girl’s reproductive…
Treatment Physical education and perceptual motor training are the best approaches for treating coordination disorder.…
Symptoms & Signs Children with developmental coordination disorder have difficulties with motor coordination compared to…