It is very upsetting for those couples who can not be able to have a baby or find a really difficulty for this issue. Before a woman can start to undergo infertility treatment, it is necessary for her receive different female infertility tests
Infertility Tests for women include ovarian reserve testing, progesterone tests, post coital test, biopsies and laparoscopy. Among variety of those tests that can be administered, perhaps the most important female infertility test is ovarian reserve testing.
Ovarian reserve testing (ORT) is done to assess the function and quality of the ovaries. However, this is not the same as testing to see whether you are ovulating or not. It is possible to be regularly ovulating but have poor quality ovaries. By doing ORT, your fertility doctors can gain a better idea of how likely you are to get pregnant and which fertility treatments may be best for you.
If the result from ORT fall into poor category, it can be particularly upsetting to a couple as it means that their chances of conceiving are extremely limited. Of course, it is positive news to get a perfectly normal result.
There is a wide range of tests available which are:
- Day 3 FSH test
- Day 3 Estradiol test
- Clomid challenge test
- Antral follicle count
- Ovarian volume assessment
- Post coital test
- A hysterosalpingogram
- Pelvic ultrasound scan
- Endometrial biopsy
- Laparoscopy
- Hysteroscopy
- Thyroid function tests
More accurate and more commonly used tests for ovarian reserve testing should be chosen including the clomid challenge test (CCT), ovarian volume assessment, and antral follicle count.
The clomid challenge test involves measuring follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) levels and is more detailed than the standard Day 3 FSH test. It is carried out twice in the monthly cycle and measures both FSH and estradiol levels.
Ovarian volume assessment involves the use of transvaginal ultrasound to measure the length, width and depth of both of your ovaries.
An antral follicle count involves counting the number of egg follicles present at the beginning of your menstrual cycle. It is done using transvaginal ultrasound and is considered to be a very good way of assessing your chance of success with IVF.
After you receive the results of your tests, your specialist will be able to decide upon a course of treatment. You will both undergo a series of basic tests to start with, which are carried out on every couple. These include an ultrasound scan for women and a sperm analysis for men.