How is your current diet? What is causing your bad mood or depression daily?
Modern life is bringing both advantages and disadvantages for us. One it provides us more comfortable, better living standard. On the other side, we are now suffering from stress, depression due to urging working speed with deadlines, sales and competition.
Stress or bad mood can be reduced by various diets as researchers said that there is a direct link between nutrition and mental disorders. Each type of food has been proved to have specific antidepressant benefit. Here we want to give you three typical examples of foods which help overcoming stress: bananas, nuts and chocolates.
Bananas benefits on making someone feel happier, quickly power yourself thanks to its three natural sugars – sucrose, fructose and glucose combined with fiber. Therefore, one can be provided an immediate, substantial support of energy for 1,5 hours of vigorous work by just two banana. Eating more bananas while getting some signs of depression or energy loss is a smart choice which is not surprised to many people, especially among athletes.
Bananas is also considered to be the number 1food addition of every diet. It is because of tripotofan, one of protein types, which body converts into serotonin and the fact that it relaxes, improves mood and generally makes people feeling happier.
We can name here many types of nuts: walnut, pine, hazelnut, almonds, peanuts, pistachios, chestnuts. All of them is useful for health, depression relief. Moreover, nuts contain all basic classes of nutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates), their caloric value is not inferior to most foods, but, unlike many of them, they, with rational use, do not contribute to weight gain.
Black chocolate
Chocolate lovers who consume a more quantity of chocolate, especially black chocolate are happier and more optimistic people. Many benefits from chocolate are made into clear such as stress relief, stroke fighting.
Experts said that with a daily consumption of 45-50 grams dark chocolate for 2 months can help improving mood and getting rid of chronic fatigue.
Bitter chocolate is rich in polyphenols, which control level of serotonin hormone. Lack of this hormone leads to depression and so-called “chronic fatigue”. Milk chocolate does not possess such properties, as it contains less polyphenols, experts say.
Other foods antidepressants
Vitamin C rich foods including kiwi and citrus fruits can prevent feelings of fatigue and feeling of sadness.
Calcium content in milk, yogurt, cheese, cuttlefish and squid are considered an essential element for the balance of mind.
We recommends a fact that there a link between these three foods and hard stress or depression. However, it is not the same meaning that thirsty of bananas, nuts and chocolates is the sign of getting depression syndrome. It may belong to each hobby. Depression may come from many sources and these delicacies above are just among the method to deal with.