It is the fact that life expectancy of people all over the world is becoming higher thanks to technology development and modern medical therapies. In 2000, it was just estimated that the worldwide population of persons aged >65 years was 420 million, increasing 9.5 million in comparison with 1999. Whereas the worldwide population aged >65 years is expected to increase by approximately 550 million to 973 million during 2000—2030. Thereby only within 30 years, life expectancy people all over the world increases up to 12.0% from 6.9%. This ageing trend by nature brings the world’s population face to face with ageing increase.
Many people get concerned about this fact and impose a lot of wondering questions about its effects on their health. Should they consider illness at this time normal matter? Should they take care of themselves? Does ageing and illness go hand-in-hand? How should they go on diet for this ageing process? As advised by health specialists and scientists, for a good diet, people of ageing should put the three main factors into practice: Vitamin, appropriate exercise and how to combine diet and exercise.
1. Vitamin
It is advisable for people getting old to take Vitamin into consideration about their daily portions. Thereby they have a suitable adjustment for their meals day by day. To know how to eat healthily and nutritiously is not easy at all if they don’t get advice from heath specialist and scientists or doctors. By going to visit a doctor periodically, people of ageing can take many helpful rations with plentiful food full of Vitamin types.
*Additional vitamin E: Vitamin E may decrease risk to initial and/or subsequent heart attacks. Therefore, people of ageing should supplement Vitamin E for their diet. Vitamin E is appreciated as a good antioxidant for avoiding heart attacks.
* Omega-3 fatty acids, L-arginine, vitamin C and Folic acid: may bring about beneficial actions in various vascular diseases by enhancing endothelial nitric oxide production. However, additional research is needed to determine whether judicious combinations of these nutrients may serve as a novel approach to prevent and manage conditions such as hyperlipidemias, coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, peripheral vascular disease and some neurodegenerative conditions.
* Vitamin B12 and foliate supplements may reduce homocysteine levels. Foliate supplementation has also been reported to decrease risk of peripheral artery disease. As studied by heath specialist and scientists, supplementing the diet with a mixed fruit and vegetable concentrate high in antioxidants and foliate lowered homocysteine levels.
* Vitamin D: from sunlight is essential for health, especially when ill. It is useful for people of ageing to sunbathe outside in the morning. In this way, they can accumulate Vitamin volume advantageous for their health.
* Fish oil (up to 2 grams per day) and other oil like flaxseed oil that are all rich in Omega 3 oil.
* Whey Protein: At this stage in life, protein is very important Protein is needed to support a healthy immune system and prevent the wasting of muscle. Since energy needs are less, older folks should eat high quality protein such as eggs, lean meats, poultry, and fish.
* Water: Water in the body decreases with age, so many ageing people will become dehydrated very easily. Sometimes they won’t feel thirsty, while other times it’s too much work to pour a glass of water. With this in mind, it’s recommended that they drink at least 1 ounce of water for every 2.2 pounds of weight.
2. Appropriate exercise
Listen to your body! Drink water and eat food full of Vitamins! The above -mentioned food should be taken as your good daily diet if you really concern about your health when ageing. However, whether you just consider your daily portion with such food is enough for taking care of your health on your own?
It is shown that people of ageing should combine eating and drinking regime with appropriate exercise. Exercise promotes healthy circulation and improves the uptake and use of these extra nutrients by your body. Have your health professional guide you as to what is appropriate exercise when ill or injured. If ill, exercise should not exhaust – and there are times when it is simply best for your body to rest up.
3. How do exercise and diet inter-act?
* If our daily calorie intake falls below about 1,500 calories, we are at risk of malnutrition
* Exercise boosts calorie output
* The more we exercise – the more we can eat
* Exercise stimulates the appetite
* People who exercise tend to eat more nutritious foods
Your diet should include a mix of these:
* Fresh fruit and vegetables (emphasize ones with lots of color in the flesh)
* Lean red meat
* Fish twice a week instead of meat
* Some dairy products
* Whole grain breads
* Nuts & dried fruits
* Beans and peas
* Yeast extract (Marmite/Vegemite) – two small dollops a day
No junk food – unless exercising daily! Favor organic, pesticide & herbicide – free foods
Damaging foods – eat less or none of these:
* Fatty meat
* Fatty foods
* Foods containing trans-fatty acids
* Refined flour foods
* Commercially salted foods (add sea salt, which has a full range of minerals, to your food instead)
* Sugary foods
* Fast foods
* Refined or processed foods
* Foods high in preservatives and other additives
* Over-cooked foods – especially at very high temperatures
* Stale or rancid foods
* Anything that is not fresh
* Alcohol
To sum up, people who are standing face to face with ageing process still can feel secure about their health if they get suitable diet and exercise for their daily life. Enjoy life with healthy mind and body in spite of ageing!