If the health care provider finds a cause, medications called corticosteroids can reduce swelling and relieve pressure on the nerve. Sometimes, the condition may disappear without treatment. People with diabetes may benefit from close control of blood sugar levels.
Until the nerve heals, wearing an eye patch may relieve double vision.
Prognosis (Expectations)
Treating the cause may improve the condition. Even if the cause is never found, the condition may improve.
Complications may include permanent vision changes.
Calling Your Health Care Provider
Call your health care provider if you have double vision.
Cranial mononeuropathy VI : Overview, Causes, & Risk Factors
Cranial mononeuropathy VI : Symptoms & Signs, Diagnosis & Tests
Cranial mononeuropathy VI : Treatment
Review Date : 12/21/2009
Reviewed By : Daniel B. Hoch, PhD, MD, Assistant Professor of Neurology, Harvard Medical School, Department of Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospital. Also reviewed by David Zieve, MD, MHA, Medical Director, A.D.A.M., Inc.