Treatment Treatment includes: * Artificial (prosthetic) testicle implants * Male hormones (androgens) * Psychological support…
Symptoms & Signs * Normal outside genitals before puberty * Failure to start puberty at…
Alternate Names : Vanishing testes – anorchia, Empty scrotum – anorchia, Scrotum – empty (anorchia)…
Treatment Surgery is needed to correct ALCAPA. Usually only one surgery is required, depending on…
Symptoms & Signs Symptoms of anomalous left coronary artery in an infant include: * Crying…
Alternate Names : Anomalous origin of the left coronary artery arising from the pulmonary artery,…
What is Pramox? Pramoxine is a topical (applied to the skin) anesthetic. It works by…
What is Pramlintide? Pramlintide is a man-made form of a hormone that occurs naturally in…
What is Pramipexole? Pramipexole has some of the same effects as a chemical called dopamine,…
What is PrameGel (Pramoxine Topical)? Pramoxine is a topical (applied to the skin) anesthetic. It…
What is Pramosone E? Pramoxine is an anesthetic. It works by interfering with pain signals…
What is Pramotic (Chloroxylenol Pramoxine Otic)? Chloroxylenol is an antibiotic that fights bacteria in your…
What is Pramosone (Hydrocortisone Pramoxine Topical)? Pramoxine is an anesthetic. It works by interfering with…
What is Pre-H-Cal (Multivitamin, Prenatal)? Prenatal vitamins are a combination of many different vitamins that…
What is Prandin (Repaglinide)? Repaglinide is an oral diabetes medicine that helps control blood sugar…
What is Prascion (Sulfacetamide Sodium Sulfur Topical)? Sodium sulfacetamide is an antibacterial agent. Sodium sulfacetamide…
What is Praziquantel? Praziquantel is an anthelmintic (an-thel-MIN-tik) or anti-worm medication. It prevents newly hatched…
What is Prascion Cleanser (Sulfacetamide Sodium Sulfur Topical)? Sodium sulfacetamide is an antibacterial agent. Sodium…
What is Prazosin? Prazosin is in a group of drugs called alpha-adrenergic (AL-fa ad-ren-ER-jik) blockers.…
What is Prascion RA (Sulfacetamide Sodium Sulfur Topical)? Sodium sulfacetamide is an antibacterial agent. Sodium…