Symptoms & Signs
* Abdominal pain, right or left lower quadrant
* Abnormal urine color (tan, cola colored, tea colored)
* Back pain, may be on only one side
* Blood in the urine
* Fever
* Flank pain or pain in the side
o Severe enough to require strong pain medicine
o Pain on one side; it may move to the groin, genitals, and thigh
o Pain comes and goes; intensity changes over minutes
* Foul-smelling urine
* High blood pressure that has increased recently (within 2 weeks)
* Mental status changes
* Nausea
* Urinary frequency
* Urinary urgency
* Urinary tract infection
* Vomiting
Diagnosis & Tests
The health care provider will perform a physical exam. Pressing with the fingers on (palpation of) the belly area may reveal a swollen or tender kidney. Blood pressure may be high.
The following tests may be done:
* Basic metabolic panel
* Complete blood count (CBC)
* Urinalysis
* Urine culture
Kidney swelling or blockage of the ureter may be seen on these tests:
* Abdominal CT scan
* Abdominal ultrasound
* Intravenous pyelogram (IVP)
* Kidney scan
Acute unilateral obstructive uropathy: Overview, Causes
Acute unilateral obstructive uropathy: Symptoms & Signs, Diagnosis & Tests
Acute unilateral obstructive uropathy: Treatment
Reviewed By : Linda Vorvick, MD, Family Physician, Seattle Site Coordinator, Lecturer, Pathophysiology, MEDEX Northwest Division of Physician Assistant Studies, University of Washington School of Medicine; Louis S. Liou, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor of Urology, Department of Surgery, Boston University School of Medicine. Also reviewed by David Zieve, MD, MHA, Medical Director, A.D.A.M., Inc.